Welcome to Moonlit Missives Subscription Service!
MOONLIT MISSIVES is a subscription series by In Gowan Ring. Memorandums and music are dispatched on or around each full moon with options for digital only, year-end collation, and monthly postmark mail.
SUBSCRIBE TO MOONLIT MISSIVES ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/InGowanRing
or BANDCAMP: https://ingowanring.bandcamp.com/moonlit-missives
When you subscribe to Moonlit Missives you receive:
• Latest convoluted ramblings, blissful obfuscations, accidental aphorisms, and sporadically profitable epiphanies as related on the full moon of each month in story and song (ie.: the actual ‘Missive’).
• Moonlit Missives full archive of all past issues.
• In Gowan Ring album back catalog (streaming or download).
• ‘Random Radio’- a randomized In Gowan Ring music player which also features unreleased compositions.
• Nonagonal Mooncoin Talisman (while supplies last).
Moonlit Missives include letters–personable, vague, rambling or epigrammatic–not intended for public perusal and a morsel of music conceived to unveil the evolving process percolating in the momentary cauldron: Optic likenesses, ontological operations and potentially insightful palaver come to you directly from B’ee each month in episodes spanning the absurd and the sublime.
Upon subscribing to Moonlit Missives you become patron to In Gowan Ring, directly contributing to the manifestation of future productions!
Digital Missives
3.33€ /month

Members have access to all of the online content through the Moonlit Missives Portal (Moonlit Missives, In Gowan Ring Albums, High Quality Downloads, radio etc.) and the option to purchase special items and back catalog from the ‘Exclusive Emporium‘
Collation with CD at Year’s End
13.31€ /month

Picture of 2016’s Edition. Each year will have a different design.
As well as access to the Moonlit Missives Portal and the ‘Exclusive Emporium‘ Members receive a collation of all the missives of this year’s missives in physical form with CD
Mailed Monthly with MiniCD
25.52€ /month

Moonlit Missives 2017 Design. A case will be provided end of year to house them.
Members receive monthly Missives mailed by post on or around the Full Moon, and also receive a year end coffer or containment vessel. (As well access to all of the online content and the ‘Exclusive Emporium‘ etc.)
Lune Musick Nonagonal Mooncoin Talisman in cherry-wood may be provided to Moonlit Missives subscribers when available from the minting processes of the Knetmännchen.
Nonagonal Mooncoins may proffer upon the bearer enhanced imaginative fecundity or dreams of fascination when placed under the pillow; if carried in the pocket or purse they may also be employed for spontaneous binary divination.

*Should you ever need to cancel your subscription you can do so at any time in the ‘Membership Details’ area of your Moonlit Missives account